Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Tag health

Finger Replantation, A Challenging Yet Successful Surgery for Near Total Finger Amputation performed by Dr. Leena Jain, Mumbai’s leading Plastic Reconstructive Microsurgeon & Hand surgeon

Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], April 25: Severe injuries can lead to complete or almost complete amputation. However advanced plastic surgery makes their reconstruction or reimplantation possible with the expertise of a well-trained board-certified plastic microsurgeon. Replantation surgeries for complex injuries can…

New Root Delivering Stellar Hair Restoration Services!

Aurangabad (Maharashtra) [India], April 20: New Roots Skin Hair Laser Clinic, a pioneering leader in hair restoration and transplant procedures is successfully evolving as a destination for transformative procedures. As a partner in the journey to renewed confidence and a positive…