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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Day December 27, 2023

Sahil: A Makeup Artist Making Waves in Bollywood

New Delhi (India), December 27: Sahil, a prominent figure in the makeup department of Bollywood, has been leaving an indelible mark with his exceptional skills and artistic flair. Renowned for his work in the movie “Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai” (2023)…

UNITED SIKHS organizes ‘Itihas Naal Galwakri’

A young participant writes her signature in Panjabi for the first time, as part of the ‘Signature in Panjabi’ campaign organized on the occasion. Ludhiana (Punjab) [India], December 27: UNITED SIKHS organized the second edition of ‘Itihas Naal Galwakri’ (Embracing…