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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Day May 20, 2023

Nature-Inspired Fashion for a Greener Future – Leysha

New Delhi (India), May 20:The importance of sustainable, eco-friendly, ethical, and organic fashion resides in its capacity to alleviate the negative impact of the fashion industry on the environment and society. By advocating for responsible production methods, minimizing waste and…

BYJU’S Volunteers celebrate Mother’s Day and Nurse Day

● The ed-tech brand arranged a special Mother’s Day celebration in Chennai and Bangalore. ● Children from the community prepared special gifts as tokens of gratitude, which brought immense joy to the nurses. Chennai (Tamil Nadu) [India], May 20: BYJU’S, a leading…

iRESUS Health Brings Critical Care Services to Rural India

Bengaluru (Karnataka) [India], May 20: iRESUS Health, a group of trained ICU doctors, is partnering with hospitals in rural India to establish fully-equipped intensive care units and provide affordable critical care services to patients. The initiative was founded by Dr. Pradeep…